Q. No matter what I do, or how many times I try to date someone 'different', I always seem to end up in these awful relationships with narcissists. And even when I realise that something really isn't right, I still go back, and then hate myself for it.
At this point, I feel like it's something I must be doing or 'giving off' that is causing this.
It's the million-dollar question and the one that I get asked repeatedly in the therapy room.
The reason people get stuck on this question, and it torments them so much, is because they've been asking it for a long time.
This isn't their first rodeo.
But first, you need to determine if you've been in a relationship with a narcissist.
However, I want to make it very clear from the off, that you are not to blame; you haven't caused this and certainly did nothing to deserve this kind of treatment.
The word narcissism is often misused in general life these days. Someone can be selfish, self-absorbed, lacking in compassion and empathy, inconsiderate, or be outright mean and nasty, and not be a narcissist. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a diagnosed disorder in the DSM5 and the symptoms must pervade the person's life and their relationships with detrimental effects.
It generally isn't one toxic relationship although, it could be that you are victim number one. When we bear in mind that they can moderate their behaviour, depending on who they're with, it's possible that the majority of people in their lives do not realise that they're a narcissist. They most likely don't realise it because it would go outside of what they believe about themselves.
The technical term for a relationship with someone who has NPD is a Pathological Love Relationship, coined by Sandra Brown, M.A., who also wrote 'Women Who Love Psychopaths' (read it, if you haven't already).
She said that there are four pieces of evidence you need to know if you're trying to work out if you have been in a PLR:
Erratic and dramatic relationship
Cluster B Personality Disorder: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic
Symptoms of the survivor: click here
Survivor's personality Super Traits: particularly agreeableness and conscientiousness